New Dog Owner's Guide 2021

New Dog Owner's Guide 2021

Welcoming a new dog into the family this year? Congratulations on the dog adoption! You probably have a lot of questions like where to start as a dog owner.

NOTE: This blog post you’re about to read is meant for new dog owners, meaning you’ve never had a dog before in your life! New dog owners are welcome to follow along, but you might already be a seasoned dog owner and these tips might’ve already been applied. 


  • Your Dog’s Health
  • Your Dog’s Safety
  • Your Dog’s Activity
  • Your Dog & Your Home

Your Dog’s Health

As a new dog owner, you’re now responsible for the life and wellbeing of your dog. Where should you start and what should you know?


According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), “Vaccinations prevent many pet illnesses. Vaccinations can help avoid costly treatments for diseases that can be prevented. Vaccinations prevent diseases that can be passed between animals and also from animals to people. Diseases prevalent in wildlife, such as rabies and distemper, can infect unvaccinated pets.”

Click here to learn how often your dog should be vaccinated based on their age.

Activity Levels

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you better hope your dog is a sedentary breed. Countless breeds require a lot of exercise and stimulation to keep their health in good shape. Lack of activity can lead to dog obesity, joint issues, depression, and more.

Make sure your dog is getting their daily walk and gear up with the right walking accessories to improve the quality of walks.

Click here to learn how walking your dog can help your dog’s health.

Your Dog’s Safety


Dogs tend to get carried away by finding their way outdoors undetected or hopping fences. A lost dog is a stressed dog and if your dog is not microchipped, the chances of reuniting with your dog are less likely. Microchips contain information about the dog’s owner: your phone number and residential address. If someone finds your dog on the street and takes them to the shelter, the shelter will first check for a microchip and contact you. 

Pro-tip: Double-check the information that’s stored in the microchip with your veterinarian. One time, we found a kitten, and their microchip had a typo in the address. Luckily, we recognized the street, knew it was our neighbor, and we were able to get a hold of them but this won’t be the lucky case for everyone. Confirm that there are no typos and update the microchip whenever you move!

Click here for more information on microchipping - how it works and why you should microchip your dog.


Dogs, just like humans, can experience anxiety. It’s more commonly seen as separation anxiety; where your dog gets nervous whenever you’re not around, but anxiety can show itself in other ways too. 

Because of this, it’s best to take things slow with your dog. Don’t force them into new environments; ease them in. When they’re ready, you can work on socializing but make sure that whenever you’re on walks, that they are leashed in the case they’re not excited by the idea of new friends passing by.

Your Dog & Your Home


It’s not out of the ordinary to baby-proof your home for a dog. Dogs have curious personalities and they might find themselves in areas they’re not supposed to be. Heck! They might even get into food that’s dangerous for them. 

We recommend reading this blog post on how to get started with dog-proofing your home.


Are you crate training? Your dog will need the essentials. Click here for our blog post on how to set up a comfortable kennel for your dog. 

This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog in this section.

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