7 Common Summertime Dangers For Dogs

7 Common Summertime Dangers For Dogs

2020 is a weird breed of year with the various events that have impacted our society like the presence of COVID-19. Thankfully, we’re not discouraged from being outdoors in the simplest sense. With all of us having to make significant changes to our daily lives because of the coronavirus, we’re finding ourselves spending more time with our dogs indoors and outdoors. 

There’s one thing that hasn’t changed though: Summertime presents some dangers for dogs.

What kind of dangers? In this blog post, we detail 7 common summertime dangers for you to keep an eye out for your dog’s well-being.

7 Common Summertime Dangers For Dogs

#1 - Poisonous Plants

There are plants that are dangerous for dogs to come in contact with or ingest. Your fur baby’s sniffer is at full speed when you’re walking down the street or a popular hike trail, but when you’re around plants, there’s a risk of toxicity you should be aware of. Plants can yield different reactions with different types of animals. That’s why you’ll notice a difference in the types of essential oils that can be harmful to dogs or cats because condensed plants that may be harmful to cats may not necessarily be harmful to dogs. You can find a breakdown of common plants that are toxic for dogs on this blog post.

#2 - Ticks 

Ticks can carry diseases so with it being summertime, your fur baby is at risk of having one of these buggers latch onto them with potentially harmful diseases that can pass to your dog. Decrease the chances by taking preventative measures with this roundup of tips that can be found in our Tick Prevention 101 blog post.

#3 - Heat Stroke

Right there with dehydration, heat stroke is a serious risk that comes with high temperatures that creep in during the summer months. Your dog may not be properly hydrated or the temperatures are simply too much to handle. There are ways to work around the heat and make sure your fur baby is safe from a potential heatstroke. Check out these tips on our blog post for Identifying & Preventing Heat Strokes in Dogs

#4 - Snakes & Bitey Critters

Different animals and bugs are out now that it’s warmer for them, which means your dog may have a run-in with one of them. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows with opportunities to make friends all the time, but your fur baby might not realize that or is too curious for their own good and may get bitten. Keep a close eye on the area you’re hanging out in or trekking outside for these snakes and critters. If your dog is swelling up, get in touch with your trusted veterinarian.

#5 - Sidewalks & Pavement

Sidewalks and pavement are hotter than it is hot outside and your fur baby’s paw pads may take the damage which is not a pleasant experience for any dog. To protect your dog from burning their paws, walk in shaded areas or invest in booties for your fur baby to wear when you’re absolutely certain avoiding sidewalks and pavement is not an option.

#6 - Fresh Water & Not Pool Water

Your fur baby may take a dip and do a splishy splash in the pool during the summer, which is okay as long as you do the following things:

  • Make sure there’s fresh drinking water nearby so your dog isn’t tempted to drink the pool water
  • Thoroughly rinse and wash your dog clean of the chlorine and chemicals from the pool water

#7 - Harmful Foods During Family Gatherings

While we don’t condone gathering in large groups during the coronavirus pandemic, if you feel inclined to gather with necessary safety precautions, make sure to keep a close watch on your fur baby during these gatherings that have food out like BBQs. put together a list of foods that are typically out with the dangers that come with them:

  • Meat with barbecue sauce: This slow-cooked delight can cause non-delightful diarrhea in dogs.
  • Corn on the cob: Dogs often have difficulty digesting corn cobs, and this grilling staple can be a choking hazard.
  • Fruits with pits: Peaches, avocados and other pitted fruit can be choking hazards.
  • Food with bones: Squeaky bone that's a toy: great. Real bones in food: not so much. Even things like bone-in wings can be very dangerous for your pet, as they may splinter and hurt their GI system, sometimes even piercing their bowels. Avoid the emergency room by not feeding your pet anything with bones.
  • Foods with toothpicks or skewers: An overlooked toothpick or skewer can pierce or make a hole in the intestines.
  • Ice cream: A little of any flavor is fine for some dogs, but it may not agree with all dogs, especially if they have sensitive stomachs. Just like people, some dogs can be lactose intolerant.

This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment or message us on our social media pages with tips you’re looking for!

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