What You Should Know About CBD For Dogs With Anxiety

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Do you have an anxious dog on your hands? It's not uncommon for dogs to exhibit signs of anxiety, whether it's separation anxiety or anxiety issues spurred on by loud noise and misc. stressors. As pet parents, you're there to provide comfort and security for your dog. How can you create a safe space for your dog?
First thing's first: It's important to understand what type of anxiety your dog is experiencing. What's causing the dog anxiety? The answer isn't to crate every time dog anxiety affects your fur baby's safe space. You may need to look into prescription medications, try an anxiety wrap, or utilize pheromone diffusers to calm your dog.
If it's not apparent what their stressors are or what's causing their behavior problems, you may want to consult with your local veterinarian about your dog's anxiety. They may have solutions or more insight into your dog's behavior, medication options (including anti-anxiety medications), and more.
What if you need a feasible option right now?
Stores are well-stocked these days with CBD products to offer a more holistic approach to pain management, beauty care, and more. Defined by Project CBD, it's a "cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel “stoned” and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC. The fact that CBD-rich cannabis is non-psychoactive or less psychoactive than THC-dominant strains makes it an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria.”
How does CBD help dogs?
While CBD has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, nor can CBD be legally recommended by a veterinarian, benefits of CBD for dogs and dog anxiety make up a list. That list includes but isn't limited to...
- Preventing irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) as well as restore healthy organisms in the gut
- Reducing and suppressing inflammatory autoimmune phenotypes
- CBD oil can help senior dogs protect brain cells from dying out
- An increased appetite to cancel out lack of appetite and nausea
- Pain and ache relief
- Fighting off seizures (helping epileptic dogs)
- Reduces anxiety and is good for the heart
- Alleviating symptoms of separation anxiety
Oil? Treats? Which is best?
You might find your own method of preference in administering CBD to a fur baby with dog anxiety or separation anxiety. What's crucial when it comes to getting your dog started on a CBD is to maintain consistency before a traumatic event.
That means before July 4th fireworks or New Year fireworks, long trips, days away from home, and more, your dog should be on a CBD regimen. This will make it so that the impact of the anticipated traumatic event isn't as brutal as it would be off of a CBD regimen. Will your fur baby be cured of the fear of fireworks? No, but the dog anxiety or separation anxiety will be alleviated and your dog will be more comfortable.
Joyride Harness's CBD Brand Recommendation
This is the CBD website for your dog: Penelope's Bloom. Their story began with their own fur baby by the name of - you guessed it - Penelope had been diagnosed with chronic disc degeneration of the spine which resulted in a disc rupture around her neck area.
"We knew that we had to focus on her physical and mental health in order to help her heal and enjoy life," shares Penelope's Bloom on their website. "Through our journey of discovering the best natural, safe and effective treatments to address Penelope’s issues, we became aware that there was a great need for a premium quality CBD for pets that had product integrity, consumer transparency, and delivered results."
Penelope's Bloom offers natural calming CBD products for dogs. Their catalog includes CBD of the following varieties:
- CBD Treats
- CBD Tinctures
- CBD Pet Balm
You can view their full catalog online. CLICK HERE to get started!
This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog in this section.