These Health Problems Can Be Caused By Your Dog's Food

The quality and ingredients of your dog’s food plays a crucial role in their health. Even so, high-quality food, too, can present health issues if not properly balanced in its nutrition. We’re not talking about just one health issue. There are various health issues that stem from your dog’s lack of nutrition or imbalance of nutrition.
What are the health issues that can be caused by your dog’s food? We’ve rounded up the details for you.
1 | Nutritional Imbalance
We start with the clearest of issues that come from foods not balanced in nutrition. Having a nutritional imbalance can lead to other issues such as excesses and deficiencies, so with a properly balanced, nutritional diet, you’re working to prevent such occurrences from happening.
2 | Malnutrition
Just like any other animal on this planet, malnutrition and malnourishment can lead to critical health problems, even death. When your dog doesn’t take in enough of those essential fatty acids or proteins, the result is malnutrition.
3 | Metabolic Disease
Metabolic diseases are occurrences where the metabolism process in your dog’s body is disrupted. When dogs eat high-carbohydrate foods, foods without proper nutritional balance, etc. the risk of excessive weight gain leading to obesity is increased. With that, your dog’s joints and bones can take a serious hit from the stress that comes from obesity.
4 | Too Much Calcium or Vitamin D
Excessive intake of calcium or vitamin D can lead to developmental bone diseases and bone deformities. Take care to how much calcium or vitamin D is in your dog’s food.
5 | Heightened Allergies & Allergic Reactions
Additives and fillers that are potentially added to dog food are of concern. In addition to that, storage mites may be ingested from the foods your dog eats and sensitivities may be developed from ingredients added to meat products which may result in allergic reactions.
6 | Urinary Crystals
Urinary crystals are considered common with dogs and cats, but can be fatal if untreated. This health issue is usually an indicator of a bladder or kidney infection, and when your dog’s food is high in protein or contains proteins that are not healthy, it can lead to urinary crystals and stones.
7 | Gastroenteritis
According to, “Gastroenteritis refers to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, meaning the stomach and the intestines. It can be caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, parasites, medications, or even new foods. The condition often causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and/or other clinical signs.” In most cases, for preventing gastroenteritis, it’s recommended to give your dog a diet that’s low in fat and high in fiber to better digest food.
If you have any concerns about your dog’s diet or their general health that may be affected by their diet, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with your local, trusted veterinarian. In the interim, we hope this provided you the insight you need to understand the connection between your dog’s food and their health!
This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at the Joyride Harness blog. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment with tips you’re looking for!