Pug Life Harness Launches Initiative to Paw It Forward

Since the beginning, Pug Life Harness’ mission has been to provide tools and accessories to enhance the quality of living for dogs worldwide. In the same spirit and to further continue that mission, we’re launching the Paw It Forward initiative through Pug Life Harness to better serve communities of dog parents and dogs.
We’re creating opportunities for charity events and organizations to partner with Pug Life Harness for the common good.
Pug Life Harness makes frequent donations to organizations such as Dogs Without Borders which is a non profit 501(c)(3) rescue organization based in Los Angeles, California focusing on strays and abandoned dogs.

Through this initiative, Pug Life Harness will continue to Paw It Forward and expand assistance through contribution of product to events and organizations dedicated to the well being of the dogs. Dogs are brighter than sunshine after all, and at times, their need for help is a call that goes unanswered. Pug Life Harness aims to see to it that no dog’s call is ignored.
A Pug Life Harness representative shared with Yahoo! Finance, “Like most companies, most of our giving and donations usually happen around the holiday season. This year we realized that our furry friends need our help all year long, so we are going to donate hundreds of harnesses to animal shelters and dogs in need throughout the entire year.”
Do you belong to an organization or event committee focused on the welfare of dogs, or perhaps do you know someone who is? We invite you to fill out our Paw It Forward initiative form which can be found at this link: Click Here
Help us drive this initiative by sharing this post with your friends, family, and colleagues through any social media pages. We look forward to moving mountains so our furry friends can live the lives they so deserve!