Joyride Harness: Is it only for Dogs?

NOTE FOR THE READER: Joyride Harnesses were designed and produced for the use of dogs. The decision to use for other lovable pets and critters is at the discretion of the customer. What follows is pure joy in the versatile use of the harness for different animals.
It’s a beautiful day.
You’re walking down the sidewalk taking in the air and scenery on your way to the coffee shop or work, and you notice someone making their way towards you. They’re walking their fur baby. I wonder if they’ll let me pet their dog, you think to yourself.
But the closer they get, the clearer it becomes: That’s no dog.
Rewind to 5+ years ago, seeing anyone walking anything BUT a dog was deemed strange. Now? It’s socially accepted. It’s celebrated. Products are on the market for different fur babies like cat strollers, car seats, et cetera.
Even though we recognize this, it still blows us away whenever we look through customer submitted reviews and have a Hey! That’s no dog-type moment. We’d like to introduce you to a few of these fur babies!
Marley the Cat
On March 11th, we received a fantastic review from customer Karen D. on our website. What we weren’t anticipating was the image attached showed a cat rocking the Joyride Harness in the Winter Harness style.
Marley isn’t a fan of the rain so walks aren’t as frequent, but whenever the day doesn’t have a raindrop in sight, he’s ready for a walk. Karen fit the harness on Marley and he was ready to go!
Karen continues in her review, “The well made harness seems to give him confidence like wearing a suit of armor so he struts with pride. I can't wait to walk him at night with the red reflector lights attached to the harness. Joyride Harnesses never disappoint!!!”
Pamela’s Adorable Calico
In December 2018, customer Pamela B. submitted her review of the Joyride Harness. We were stunned by the striking gaze of her Calico as she looked off in the distance, regal in her Joyride Harness.
Pamela expressed she used a different harness that utilized primarily velcro (from what we gather), and it was easy for her Calico to slip out. While the small size works well for her, she does think an extra small would’ve worked best!
Featured Friend Lucy the Rabbit
June 2019’s Featured Friend is a Flemish Giant Rabbit by the name of Lucy. She currently weighs in at 13 lbs but is expected to reach 20-25 lbs. Wow!
Her human Elizabeth loves the Joyride Harness because of how easy it is to put on. With how timid rabbits can be, that makes this perfect for their needs. Though she be little, she loves making her rounds visiting Elizabeth’s clients in nursing homes. She’s well loved by many! You can check out the full Featured Friend interview here.
Featured Friend Bella the Pig
This one knocked our socks off. We weren’t ready at all when this review showed on our site! Bella the Pig was May’s Featured Friend and she’s no stranger to Joyride Harness now. Rocking a 2XL harness, this was the perfect solution for her humans who needed to travel cross country with her. Collars were difficult to use, and with the unique physique of such a pig, the flexibility of the Joyride Harness worked out in their favor and they took off from there!
You can read the full Featured Friend interview here.
So… Joyride Harness. Is it only for dogs? Not anymore! We’re so happy to have had the opportunity to offer this product to various fur babies. If you have a fur baby or critter that is using the Joyride Harness, we’d love to see! Please visit our reviews page to submit your review with pictures for a chance to be featured.