How to Spot the Signs Your Dog Is Stressed

Feeling a little stressed out right now? You probably clicked open this blog post because you have a hunch that there will be information inside that may apply to something happening with your dog right now. It’s always stressful when you know something is afflicting your fur baby because you feel a little helpless and your fur baby is your everything.
So we’re going to talk about when dogs get stressed.
Reader’s Note: If there is anything causing great concern when it comes to your dog, it is always advised to seek professional help and insight from a trusted veterinarian.
While we speak the same language of our love for dogs, we don’t speak dog. There are signs you should be alert for that could indicate your pawed and cuddly fur baby is going through some stuff and the stress is impacting their day-to-day.
Yup. We’re talking about that piddle puddle that happens here and there. It happens! It even happens to dogs who are trained and housebroken. When something scares our fur babies, it causes a stressful reaction that shows through things like lack of bladder control. In other cases, some dogs may even defecate.
This is a huge indicator that something is bugging your precious little fur baby. When dogs tuck their tails between their legs, they’re showing themselves as submissive because they’re trying to deescalate a potentially threatening situation. Like, “Hey! I’m just a dog. Don’t be angry with me.” Even if it’s not prompted, your dog may react like this in situations where accidents happen and they’re stressed over getting caught and know they play a role in what the accident is.
To be more specific, if you’re sitting on the couch or on a chair and your dog is trying to climb you like Mount Everest, this may be a sign that something is stressing them out. Dogs see their humans as a shelter, a form of security that provides them the love and comfort that they reciprocate back to us in a way. When they need that sense of protection, they will climb onto your lap no matter what size dog they are.
When something scares or causes discomfort with your dog, they may seek refuge in isolated, covered places. These spots include but are not limited to under a chair, a table, a bed, etc.
Poor little pup! If your fur baby is shivering, there could be various reasons why they’re doing so. It could be they are a short-haired breed and are cold or scared and stressed out by something. If you suspect it is that they are cold, try warming them up and if the shivering continues, consider other possibilities like stress.
Now that you have some of the signs that point to your dog being stressed, be attentive to your dogs’ needs. If you feel like you don’t have a grasp of it, definitely reach out to a veterinarian for professional advice.
This is just a sampling of tips we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more tips and tricks and how-to’s for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment with tips you’re looking for!