How to Prepare Your Dog For the Holidays

How to Prepare Your Dog For the Holidays

Are you going away for the holidays? 

Near or far, the holiday season can give dogs just as much anxiety as it does for people. It means one of two things: 1) too many people or 2) not enough people. 

You might be a host for the holidays which means your dog is going to see more people than they’re used to and that can be overwhelming. Alternatively, someone else is the host and you’re traveling with or without your dog. 

Wherever you find yourself, there’s something you need to do!

Prepare your dog for the holidays.

We scoured the internet for some of the best recommendations when it comes to preparing your dog for the holiday season. Here’s what we found!

Tip #1 
Think about your dog’s personality.

American Kennel Club (AKC) shared, “Some dogs adapt well to chaos and change while others need the predictability of routine. Some dogs can handle lots of visitors, but other dogs become anxious around children or strangers. Some make well-mannered house guests; others are better left at home. Think about what your holiday might entail and then consider your dog’s personality. If you anticipate your dog’s needs, it will be easier to accommodate them.”

Tip #2
Consider your dog’s comfort.

Pet Health Network recommends keeping your dog comfortable and shared, “If you know your dog doesn’t care for guests, have a crate ready for him in a quiet spot, such as bedroom with a closed door. Alternatively, keep him in a place where he can feel comfortable and not interact with guests, such as a bedroom, laundry room or other area that is closed off with a door or baby gate. Never allow people to interact with your dog if the dog isn’t comfortable, as this can increase the anxiety he is feeling.”

Tip #3
Make preparations for when you’re gone.

If you are traveling and without your dog, you can’t leave them to fend for themselves! They need company and they need love and attention while their favorite person/people are away. Separation anxiety is a thing. Make sure you’re well prepared.

Tip #4
Set boundaries with guests.

Bark Blaster recommends having discussions with expected guests before they arrive or when they arrive. They’ve shared some things to consider when laying the ground rules:

  • How much attention your dog likes
  • Signs your dog gives that he or she is annoyed
  • Human food regulations
  • Areas your dog doesn’t like being touched
  • Sounds your dog doesn’t tolerate well
  • Area in the house where your dog likes privacy

  • Tip #5
    Keep their activity levels up and consistent.

    Vetri Science advises plenty of exercise and shared, “Even if it’s a winter wonderland outside, a brisk walk can help your dog drastically. If you have a holiday event that evening where you know you’ll be gone longer than usual, take your pup for a slightly longer walk. A tired dog is a less-stressed dog!”

    We hope you and your fur baby have a happy holiday season!

    What you’ve just read is a sampling of blog posts we offer at Joyride Harness. We cover current events, informational posts, interviews, and more! You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section.
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