How to Keep Your Dog Warm When It's Cold

How to Keep Your Dog Warm When It's Cold
There are dog breeds that have long, thick fur coats known to be best for the northern hemisphere. It’s easy to assume that they’re able to handle the winter cold, but even those domestic dog breeds need some help staying warm. With many regions of the United States dropping in temperatures, what are some general rules to keep in mind for warmth that applies to all dog breeds?
In our last blog post, we shared various tips for keeping your dog safe during the winter. In this blog post, we shed light on how to keep your dog warm when it’s cold.

How to Keep Your Dog Warm When It’s Cold

Bedding & A Comfy Bed
There will be nights that you’re trying to get the temperature up in your house. You’re shivering so that means your dog is more than likely cold too. Having dog bedding and a comfortable dog bed will provide your dog or puppy a place to build up their warmth. Not any light blankets though. Think about how you keep yourself warm. For added insulation, think about getting a dog burrow bed.
Limit Time Outdoors
Truly the best thing we can do for our domestic dogs during the winter is avoid leaving them outside for extended periods of time, whether it's dark or light out. A potty break and a quick game of catch is fine, but your dog will feel the effects of winter if any longer than that. Bring them inside. Enjoy the togetherness during the holiday season, and if you must have a dog house, we strongly advise the next tip.
Insulate the Dog House
Give that dog house an extreme makeover! There are ways to insulate your dog house using materials like expanding foam, fiberglass insulation, styrofoam, bubble wrap, reflective foil, etc. Add some carpeting even. And did you know that they make furnaces specifically for dog houses?
Bundle them Up For Walks
Before you head out on a walk with your dog, consider vests and jackets made for dogs especially for the dog breeds that aren’t used to dealing with winter temperatures. Our dog harnesses - with how easy they are to put on and take off - fit perfectly over dog vests and dog jackets.
Heating Pad
Need extra warmth for your dog? There are heating pads meant specifically for domestic dogs and dog beds available on popular sites like Amazon.
Elevate the Dog Bed
When you’re walking from room-to-room during the winter, what’s one thing you notice? Without socks? That’s right. A cold floor. To help make your dog more comfortable with bedtime, elevate the dog bed so that it’s not directly on the cold floor and is away from drafts.
Dog Umbrellas
It’s already enough that the temperature is cold and snow is wet. Add some rain to the experience and there’s added discomfort. Keep your fur baby shielded from the rain while on walks during the winter cold.
What you’ve just read is a sampling of blog posts we offer at Joyride Harness. We cover current events, informational posts, interviews, and more! You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment with tips or content you’re looking for!
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