Harness Files | Interview With Jessica Trejo & Hero

“I can be your hero, baby!”
We’re introducing a new series to our blog called the Harness Files! This is where we reach out to customers who’ve made noticeable impressions to our team online and we ask them about their experience with the Joyride Harness (soon to be Joyride Harness) and their fur baby.
For our first Harness File, we speak with Jessica Trejo who is the proud fur baby parent of Hero, a Shepherd-Labrador mix who was born on July 10th of this year! This is a new fur baby to the world, friends, and Jessica wanted to make sure she had the best for Hero.
Meet Hero
Harness Size: Small
Harness Pattern: Fall Plaid
PLH: How did you find out about Joyride Harness?
Jessica: I found out about Joyride harness from an Instagram ad, the harnesses shown on the ad caught my eye and I decided to look online.
PLH: What was it about Joyride Harness that intrigued you to check out for Hero?
Jessica: I decided to purchase 2 harnesses for Hero because of the reviews the harness had, the first thing I do when purchasing an item is check the reviews. All the reviews seemed to be very happy with the harness, which is why I ordered 2 of them and was very happy with the purchase!
PLH: How did Hero become a part of your life and family?
Jessica: Hero became a part of my life about two months ago when I adopted him from the San Francisco SPCA. He is wonderful and I always want the best for him.
PLH: How would you describe the quality of your walks with Hero now that you have the Joyride Harness?
Jessica: Ever since I purchased the harness from Joyride harness, it’s changed the quality of the walks tremendously! It is so easy to put on Hero, and really easy to handle, he does not choke when trying to walk faster because the harness strap is located right under the neck area. The reflective strap and outlining is a plus. I feel much more safe walking Hero out in the dark.
We thank Jessica and Hero for taking the time to share with us their experience with the Joyride Harness! We’re happy to announce he’s now joining the Joyride Harness family as a baby influencer. Our family continues to grow!
For a chance to be featured with your dog in an interview, post on Instagram using the tags @joyrideharness and #joyrideharness!