Harness Files | Interview with Carole & Jaxon

Warning: This blog post contains graphic content.
(This blog post contains one image and a description of a dog attack and the surgery that followed. We promise Jaxon is okay now!)
In 2019, we introduced a new series to our blog called the Harness Files!
This is where we reach out to giveaway winners, customers who’ve made noticeable impressions to our team online, fur babies with a story to share, etc., and we ask them about their experience with the Joyride Harness.
This interview comes special -- and with a warning (CW: dog injury, dog attack) -- as we got to know Carole and her dog Jaxon, who survived an unexpected encounter, and Carole believes it could have been worse if it were not for one detail.
Back in November of 2020, Carole and Jaxon were walking on the boardwalk and were passing a Mastiff and their owners. According to Carole, the Mastiff suddenly lunged and attacked Jaxon with the owners struggling and unable to control their dog.
“I was screaming for them to get the dog off as he had Jaxon by the head and neck,” Carole said. “I reached down and grabbed Jaxon by his harness.”
Carole rushed her injured Jaxon to the emergency vet and the veterinarian said he was lucky as the wounds on his head missed the jugular.
She continued, “He had tubes sewn into his wounds for a week and has a damaged vertebra in his neck. Other than that he seems to have healed and isn't too skittish around larger dogs due to the attack. I feel like his Joyride Harness may have saved him from more severe injuries given the thick padding and coverage it provides around the chest and back.”
We’re so relieved to hear fur baby Jaxon is okay and that things are back to normal! We’re not done just yet. That was a lot to take in and there’s a tale of a tail here. Here’s a fun Q&A with Carole where we get to know Jaxon more!
Meet Jaxon
JRH: Tell us about Jaxon!
CAROLE: When I adopted Jaxon his given name was 'Milky' but, at 7 mos old I thought his personality fit w/Jaxon. His spelling is different but I chose his name as a fan of Michael Jackson.
JRH: How did Jaxon join your family?
CAROLE: My daughter, grandkids and I were at a festival in Clovis, CA in Sep 2012. There was a mobile adoption unit there from the Valley Animal Center, a no-kill shelter, located in Fresno.
I was planning on retiring at the end of the month and had been working virtually the majority of the year. I had wanted a dog for a long time but worked long hours and traveled often so it would not have been possible to care for a dog prior to retiring.
My intent was to look for an older dog to adopt but, I saw this long-legged wispy pup sitting in one of the window compartments. He was just so darn cute! When I asked if I could see him the handler told me another family had already asked to see him. When I walked around the corner it was my daughter and grandkids who had asked to see him.
Lucky me!
JRH: How would you describe the joy that Jaxon brings to your life?
CAROLE: I can't imagine not having Jaxon in my life. He has such a cute personality and we have daily walks, socializing in local dog parks, and at-home playtime.
JRH: How would you describe your walking experience before the Joyride Harness?
CAROLE: I've walked Jaxon for several years with a smaller type of harness. We have always walked at least twice daily so he walks beside me and does not pull. My daughter was the one who found the Joyride Harness and she ordered one for all three of her dogs and bought one for Jaxon as well.
JRH: How has the Joyride Harness improved your walking experience?
CAROLE: We both love our Joyride. It slips on easily and is very sturdy. Thickly padded. I like that it has three rings.
JRH: If Jaxon could spend an entire day doing their favorite things, what would that day look like?
CAROLE: A morning walk around our community, to the campground across the street or to the beach. Lots of sniffs to see what other pups have been there before us. Basking in the sun on our deck or in the community dog park. Playdate with his bestie JoJo. Lots of napping. Lounging on his ottoman at the big window. Eating grilled chicken. Evening walk. Treats. Nestling with his human (me) on the couch in the evening. Being tucked into covers when ready for nite nite.
JRH: If you were to cast an actor to do the voice of Jaxon in a live-action dog movie, who would it be?
CAROLE: I think it would need to be Seth Green or the Pet Bla Bla app.
Thank you to Carole -- and Jaxon -- for joining us for an interview!
If you’re interested in having your fur baby spotlighted in our Harness Files blog series, post on Instagram using the tags @joyrideharness and #JoyrideHarness for a chance to be featured and our Joyride Harness team will connect with you!