It's Responsible Pet Owners Month (Valentine's too + February Free Wallpaper)

It's Responsible Pet Owners Month (Valentine's too + February Free Wallpaper)

This February, the first thing we hear is "Happy Valentine's Day! But did you know that we celebrate "Responsible Pet Owners Month" too? 

It is time to show our pets we love them (extra!) this Valentine's Day by Being Responsible Pet Owners. Whether you're an old or new dog parent, improving and being the best parent is never a bad thing. 

So here's something that you need to do this month: 

They're Your FUR-EVER BFFs!

To truly love our pets, we must first understand that they are a lifelong commitment. This means providing them with affection through activities such as petting, playing together, and snuggling on the sofa, whatever our pets prefer, every single day. However, showing love is not enough if we give our pets away when we move into an apartment that does not allow them. Lifelong means lifelong, and we must be willing to make that commitment.

Dog Proof Your Home

We may use daily items that do not harm us but are deadly for our dogs. So make sure to keep all chemicals and cleaners locked up and out of reach, keep the trash can closed, and ensure any small items cannot be eaten or swallowed. 

Spay, Neuter, and Veterinary Check-Ups

Let's do our part to stop stray animals by spaying and neutering our furballs. It's good for their health, preventing infections and cancers, and avoids surprise puppy litters. Make sure to swing by the vet at least once a year for a chill check-up to catch any sneaky health issues. And yeah, keep an eye on those pearly whites too – it's a big deal for their overall happiness!

Make Sure They Stay Healthy (and not too Chonky)

So the only way to do it is with a proper diet and exercise! 

Take a stroll or some outdoor adventures like camping or hiking. Our dogs dig spending time with us, and it keeps them healthy. 

Exercise is good for their hearts and one way to avoid being too chonky! 

Obesity causes so many entirely preventable health problems in our pets, just like it does in humans. Learn more about combating obesity here.

To sum it up, this Valentine’s Day, give your pets healthy food, take them for a run, make sure they have a microchip, and get those new puppies and kittens spayed. Show your pets some extra love!           


Oh before you go...

We’ve got a treat to share with you! Every month at Joyride Harness, we share with our email subscribers a free digital download. We’ve got new desktop and mobile wallpapers here for you with this special reminder: 

"Nothing is truer in this world that the love of a dog. - Mira Grant"


How To Set The Wallpaper as Your Desktop Background

Joyride Harness February Monthly Wallpaper 2024

Below you will find instructions for setting the wallpaper as your background depending on which type of desktop device you’re using.

How to Set Up (Mac Users):

1. Download this file: Click Here.

2. Save the file to Pictures folder on you Mac.

3. Click the Apple Menu and select System Preferences. 

4. Go to Desktop & Screensaver. 

5. In the left panel, go to Folders > Pictures. 

6. Select the downloaded image. 


    1. Download this file: Click Here.

    2. Save the file to a preferred folder.

    3. Open the folder and right click on the downloaded file.

    4. Select Set Desktop Wallpaper.

      How to Set Up (PC/Windows Users):

      1. Download this file: Click Here.

      2. Click the Windows icon on the bottom of the screen.

      3. Select Settings > Personalization.

      4. Click on Background.

      5. Set the dropdown to Picture and click Browse below the images that appear.

      6. Select the downloaded file.



          We hope you enjoy your new digital download! More on the way from Joyride Harness.

          P.S.  Say hello and see adorable dog photos every day by following us on Instagram and Facebook🐶 

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          Headquartered in sunny Los Angeles , CA, we are committed to providing products that will make you and your dog happier and better with each other and out in the world.

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