Dog Obesity & How It Can Affect Your Dog's Health

Dog Obesity & How It Can Affect Your Dog's Health

We love them in all shapes and sizes. Who doesn’t love a fluffy fur baby? In most cases though (not all), your dog’s weight is an indicator of their health. So let’s talk dog obesity and how it can affect your dog’s health!

What constitutes as obese when it comes to dogs? It’s said that dogs are considered as overweight when they are 10-20% above their ideal body weight and obese when above 20% the ideal body weight. “Ideal body weight” may vary with the breed type.

There are consequences that may occur in your dog’s health when their weight places them in the category of obese. Here are common risks that follow dog obesity.

Heart & Breathing Issues

Heart disease and high blood pressure may occur with weight gain which in turn can lead to difficulties with breathing. See tracheal collapse below. 

Tracheal Collapse

In addition to heart disease and high blood pressure, tracheal collapses and laryngeal paralysis may occur and if not seen to, the aforementioned breathing issues can worsen and be fatal. 


Excess weight can really damage your dog’s joints due to the pressure and deterioration of cartilage. Weight loss is the best solution to avoid arthritis even though medications and CBD may alleviate the pain that comes with it. 


With weight gain, there’s an increased risk of tumors (benign) and breast and bladder cancer. You can spot signs of these through lumps and bumps which are often bulbous and movable. 

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears

The ACL is a crucial ligament of the knee that can take a hit with dog obesity as weight can cause tearing of this. The only way to treat a torn ACL is through surgery.

Lifespan Decrease

This is the most troubling of them all. Extreme weight gain with dogs can decrease the quality of their life and tank their life expectancy. We’re talking around 2 years of life shaved off those wonderful years you could be spending with your dog. 


Dog obesity can also lead to diabetes or the resistance of insulin. This is the disruption of proper flow of glucose due to a hormone that’s created.

Other issues that may arise due to excess weight gain include but are not limited to....

  • Decreased stamina
  • Liver disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Weakened immune system

What Can You Do About Your Dog’s Weight?

If you’re looking to treat or prevent obesity for your dog to improve the quality of their lifestyle and keep their lifespan on track, its best to consult with your veterinarian about food options and exercise plans. Not all breeds will share the same diet and exercise plan so you’ll get a better tailored idea of how to help your fur baby love.

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