Do Dogs Grieve?

Do Dogs Grieve?

Losing a pet is heartbreaking, and as Dog parents, we often find comfort in memories, photos, or special keepsakes. But what about our pets? Do they understand loss? Do they grieve when they lose a family member, whether it's a person or another pet?

Do Pets Grieve?

While pets might not fully understand the concept of death like we do, they certainly react to the loss of a loved one. They often show changes in behavior, likely because they miss the companionship and daily routine they shared.

You've probably heard stories or seen videos of dogs sitting by their owner’s front door or even at their gravesite, waiting or grieving. Dogs, especially those closely bonded to their owners, can show signs of sadness or depression after a loss. And while it’s not talked about as much, cats can grieve too.

Common Sigs of Grief in Pets

Studies have shown that both dogs and cats exhibit signs of grief, similar to how young children react to losing a family member. Here are some of the most common behaviors:

Behavior Change  Dogs (%)
More demanding of attention 35%
Clingy or needy 26%
Seeking less affection 10%
Looking for the deceased's favorite spot 30%
Sleeping more 34%
Eating less 35%
Eating more slowly 31%
Increased vocalization 27%


How Long Do Pets Grieve?

Just like people, the length of grief in pets can vary. Some may show signs of grief for a few weeks, while others may take months to adjust. In some wild animal communities, grief has been observed to last years, so it’s different for every pet.

How Does Our Grief Affect Pets?

Pets are sensitive to our emotions. A 2019 study from Duke University found that pets living with stressed humans had higher cortisol (stress hormone) levels, indicating that they pick up on our emotions. If you're grieving, your pet may also feel that stress, which can add to their own grief.

How To Help Grieving Pet

If your pet is grieving the loss of a companion, here are some ways you can help them through it:

  • Stick to routines: Keep mealtime, walks, and playtime as consistent as possible.
  • Offer extra affection: Your pet may need more attention and comfort during this time.
  • Try calming aids: Consider music therapy, calming collars, or diffusers like Adaptil for dogs or Feliway for cats.
  • Engage their minds: Introduce new toys, chews, or puzzles to keep them mentally stimulated.
  • Don’t punish: If your pet starts acting out, like soiling in the house or chewing on things, don’t punish them—it may make their anxiety worse. Talk to your vet if these behaviors persist.

In some cases, pets may benefit from antidepressants, especially if their behavior changes drastically or doesn’t improve over time.

Should Pets Be Present During Euthanasia?

Allowing other pets to be present during a companion’s euthanasia is a personal decision. Some experts believe that letting pets see and smell their companion after they’ve passed helps them understand the finality of death, which may ease the grieving process.

Will My Pets Be Upset If I Get Another Pet?

When deciding to bring a new pet into the home, timing is key. Bringing in a new pet too soon after a loss can be stressful for both you and your existing pets. They need time to adjust to the absence of their companion before adapting to a new member of the household.

For dogs, setting up playdates with other familiar dogs or taking them to a dog park can help ease the transition. For cats, extra cuddles and attention from you may help them cope with the loss.

Just Be There For Them

Grief in pets is real, and just like us, they need time and support to heal. Be patient and understanding as they navigate this tough period. And if their behavior or health continues to decline, consult your vet to rule out any underlying issues. With love and care, your pet will eventually return to their normal routine.

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