Can My Dog Eat This? A Thanksgiving Guide to Dog Treats

Disclaimer: Joyride Harness writers are not professionals. Please consult your trusted veterinarian before providing your dog new supplements.
As we make our way toward the end of 2021 and into the holiday season, Foodsgiving is right around the corner. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, bread, pie... the kitchen, dining room, and table will become a full wonderland of delicacies to be enjoyed and gorged upon. Everyone gathered around, maybe in person or even virtually, ready to share a meal together.
Of course, the human family members won’t be the only ones excited about the feast of snacks.
Our four-legged besties will be smelling all of those delicious scents and wondering what sort of treats they can be expecting. You might be wondering what is safe to share. After all, it’s the season for giving, but it’s important to do it in the best way possible.
Safe Thanksgiving Foods for Dogs
During the holiday season we may be more likely to indulge in sweets, snacks, and just one more slice of pie. Many times we also may relax the rules just a little when it comes to our beloved pets. A little piece of turkey here, a little slice of ham there.
Then there are also family and friends around who may not always be in the picture day to day. All of a sudden a little indulgence for our dogs has become a whole lot of people-food they may not be used to.
None of us want our pups to feel left out, but Thanksgiving also tends to be the time when vets see more unexpected visits due to unsafe foods. Luckily, there are a wide array of tasty treats that are holiday safe and doggy approved!
Sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a wonderful treat for dogs that are high in dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. A soft-cooked sweet potato or even a dehydrated sweet potato chew treat as can be found in many pet stores make excellent snacks. It’s important to make sure any sweet potato for your dog is served plain.
Potatoes. We can enjoy both sweet and regular potatoes, and so can our dogs! They don’t have the same sort of health benefits of a sweet potato but are still a safe choice.
Just remember to make sure the potato is either boiled or baked and has no added ingredients. You also want to make sure that these are served in moderation.
Apples. Apples are rich in fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C plus they are crunchy! This is an extra bonus for many pooches.
You want to make sure that with any apple pieces, you cut around and remove the core. If your dog eats too many apple seeds, they can be toxic.
Turkey meat (removed skin and bones). As it turns out, that tasty gobbler is safe for your dog to eat, too!
The most important thing is that you want to make sure there are no bones. Look carefully through any meat to make sure all bones and bone bits are gone. They may seem like a fun thing to chew on, they can actually cause harm to your dog’s digestive tract.
Also make sure there is no seasoning on any of the meat that you share. It's the main reason you want to remove the skin, since it's often has been prepared with spices and butter or oil.
Green beans and peas. Green beans are high in plant fiber, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K which make them a wonderful choice for a doggy snack. Make sure they're plain!
Peas, while offering many less health benefits, are also safe to serve when plain.
Pumpkin. Pumpkin is a wonderfully healthy snack for dogs! It is great for their skin and coat and helps their digestive health. Many vets actually recommend pumpkin when a pup is experiencing trouble with their tummies.
When feeding pumpkin make sure it is plain and unseasoned and if from a can it is only pumpkin and not pumpkin pie pre-seasoned mix.
Dessert. Believe it or not, dogs can enjoy dessert, too! It’s important to be very careful and selective, however. Pie, rolls, and cakes are out. However, frozen yogurt can be a tasty treat that offers probiotics when fed in moderation.
Unsafe Foods to Watch Out For
While it’s good to know what is safe to feed our dogs, it’s also really important to know what can be dangerous, as well. The following are things that should always stay far away from fido’s bowl.
Anything that has been spiced
Cookies, pies, and sweets (especially anything containing xylitol)
Creamed peas
Dough with yeast
Mashed potatoes
Overly fatty foods
Onions, scallions, or garlic
Raisins and grapes
Turkey bones and skin
Make sure to talk to anyone who will be joining you for your holiday meals. You want to make sure everyone is on the same page of what is safe and unsafe to feed your dog.
When the meal is over and all of those non-safe scraps have gone into the trash or compost, it’s important to make sure that those areas are secure from any curious noses and paws that might want to help themselves.
With a little preparation and caution we and our furry friends alike can have a wonderful, safe, and food-filled holiday that we can all be thankful for!
This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog in this section.