7 Everyday Tips For Your Dog's Health

7 Everyday Tips For Your Dog's Health

Being a dog parent isn’t a walk in the park. It’s a lot of responsibility. We’re taking care of adorable, living beings that require the right amount of love and attention. Giving that right amount of love and attention also means assuming responsibility for their health and well-being. 

That kind of responsibility isn’t something you can say “eh, I’ll do it later” to. 

You have to be present for your dog and be mindful of their health.

What can you do to take care of your dog?

Here are 7 everyday tips for your dog’s health. 

#1 | Be observant of ingredients in your dog’s food and their eating patterns. 

Nutrition is essential for your dog’s health. You want to select a type of food that not only they will eat but a type of food that also provides nutritional benefits like protein. It’s also important to steer clear of foods that can upset your dog’s gut and gastrointestinal tract as irritations and infections can ripple into larger health problems. Be observant of your dog’s eating patterns as well as to avoid overeating and dog obesity. If you find that your dog is not eating as much, seek veterinarian assistance. 

#2 | Keep your dog’s coat free from fleas and ticks. 

Fleas and ticks can lead to intestinal parasites. Be observant of your dog’s fur coat and consult your trusted local veterinarian for a recommended product to prevent these external and internal parasites.

#3 | Be mindful of your dog’s weight.

Dog obesity can negatively impact the lifestyle of any dog. Added weight on the joints can lead to damage and degradation and subsequent osteoarthritis (OA). According to VCA Hospitals, it can lead to chronic pain. It’s important for your dog to maintain mobility so they can continue living their happiest dog life.

#4 | Make sure your dog gets the right amount of activity/exercise.

This ties into #3 but activity and exercise can be beneficial to your dog’s health in other ways. Dog breeds show a spectrum of activity and energy levels, but they all need to be stimulated in some fashion (e.g. playing catch, treat puzzle toys, etc) to keep their mental health balanced.

#5 | Schedule annual checkups and keep vaccines up to date.

It’s important to make sure your dog doesn’t have diseases or illnesses or signs of oncoming diseases and illnesses. You have greater chances of taking preventative measures and keep your dog’s health in order by regularly visiting your vet for a checkup. Make sure you keep their shots up to date as part of the preventative measures!

#6 | Observe their water intake.

According to Halifax Humane Society, “A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. So, a healthy 65-pound Labrador Retriever should be drinking between about 33 and 65 ounces, or about ¼ to ½ gallon of water daily.” 

If you feed your dog wet food, they may not drink that amount of water but if you observe them not drinking enough water or at all, seek assistance from your local vet. 

#7 | Love the heck out of them. 

Dogs love unconditionally and many thrive on affection, and it’s so important to maintain a strong bond with your dog. Be present for them with an open heart and plenty of belly rubs!

What you’ve just read is a sampling of blog posts we offer at Joyride Harness. We cover current events, informational posts, interviews, and more! You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section.

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