5 Tips For Road Trips With Your Dog

5 Tips For Road Trips With Your Dog

With how limited things are during the coronavirus pandemic, many are taking to the road for getaway time. Of course, fur baby friends are included! You’re treating yourself and your dog to an adventure and the chance to get out of the house, but are you prepared for road trips with your dog?

In this blog post, we have some great tips that will help you stay prepared for upcoming road trips with your dog.

5 Tips for Road Trips With Your Dog

#1 🐾 Keep their vaccination records in your glove compartment or on your phone.

You never know what will happen on the road, but if there are undesirable and unexpected issues that arise, it’s better to be prepared! Imagine you’re on the road with your dog and they have an extreme reaction to something or experience some sort of health complication. You’ll, of course, seek help immediately but they’ll need records available.

#2 🐾 Make sure you’re equipped with the right adventure gear!

Road trips usually are paired with hikes or sightseeing on foot. We recommend a sturdy harness and a 2-in-1 leash + seat belt combo for your dog. The 2-in-1 leash + seat belt combo allows you to buckle your dog in on the road (attached to their harness) and when you’re ready to get out of the car, you just unbuckle the seat belt and voila! It’s a leash. 

#3 🐾 Stock up on food and treats for your fur baby.

This is especially important for those of you with dogs who have special dietary requirements. We all know that most stores carry dog food, but the type of dog food needed might not be available in certain areas or regions. 

#4 🐾 Prepare for a messy dog and a messy car.

Your adventures might take you to areas that are wet or muddy and dirty. This will give you a dirty dog and a dirty car, so pack a cleaning back that’s complete with dry towels, a short hose you can hook up to a water source to clean your dog, wet wipes for the car, etc. 

#5 🐾 Map out dog friendly stops.

Keeping in mind potty breaks - which you shouldn’t ignore - get to know the route you’re taking so you have a better idea of where you can make quick stops for potty breaks. If you’re traveling to populated areas, scope out dog parks if they’re open and in compliance with social distancing, etc.

This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment with tips you’re looking for!
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