5 Tips For Giving Your Dog a Bath

5 Tips For Giving Your Dog a Bath

Bath time for your pup can be a messy adventure. It can also be a blast in a glass! Either way, you’re in for a splash fest. But are there ways to make bathtime with your dog easier and more comfortable? Are there any tips out there that can change the way you give your dog a bath? Of course there are!

We’re diving into the best tips for leveling up bathtime with your pooch. This isn’t your 101 blog post. You’ve got your grooming gear and the bathtime essentials. It’s time for the tips you might’ve missed.

1. Remember, if you’re cold, they’re colder.

No matter the time of year, if you’re giving your dog a bath in a house with the AC on full-blast, your dog is going to get chilly to the bone. This is something to also keep in mind especially during the winter and frigid temperatures when your dog is waiting to be toweled dry before the blow dryer comes out. 

2. Brush your dog beforehand.

A lot gets caught in your dog’s fur, not to mention the excess fur that’s going to shed in the bath water. Before your fur baby hops into the bathtub, take a grooming brush and deshedding glove to their coat to remove dust, debris, extra fluff, and prevent annoying or painful hair matting and knotting.

3. Don’t be afraid to make it a team effort.

Bathing a dog by yourself at home can take the wind out of you. Instead of choosing to give your dog a bath solo, opt for having your spouse or friend give you a helping hand. They can give your pooch attention and comfort to soothe them through what they probably think is a sea storm, while you focus on getting your dog bathed.

4. Rinse thoroughly. When in doubt, rinse again!

When soap suds get trapped in your dog’s undercoat, there’s a chance that could start up a bacterial infection, skin damage, or hair follicle irritation. To make things worse, when shampoo isn’t thoroughly rinsed, the soap can lead to a matted dog coat. When your fur baby has matted fur, it can make it difficult for their skin to breathe, cause soreness, and more. You don’t want any bacterial infection to fester. Rinse, rinse, rinse!

5. If you have a backyard, take advantage of it.

You can put your dog on a leash to make sure they don’t escape bathtime! Relocating outdoors might make the experience less stressful for your dog as bathroom echoes and other sounds may startle them and make them anxious. On top of that, you might have a better time rinsing your fur baby with a hose rather than a bucket in the bathtub inside.

What you’ve just read is a sampling of blog posts we offer at Joyride Harness. We cover current events, informational posts, interviews, and more! You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section.

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