3 Things To Look For in a Good Dog Walking Leash

3 Things To Look For in a Good Dog Walking Leash

(Photo Credit: Customer Christina J. via Reviews)

The quality of your walks with your dog can depend solely on the accessories used: collar, step-in harness, over-the-head harness, etc. and can boost even more in quality when paired with another dog walking accessory.

First thing that comes to mind? 


You want the best leash to walk your dog with, but how do you pick out the right leash? In this blog post, we give you 3 things to look for when you’re searching for the perfect dog walking leash.

3 Things To Look For in a Good Dog Walking Leash

  1. Heavy-duty quality - You don’t want a dog leash that falls apart after a few months or one that you have to keep replacing. Most dog leashes are made from cheap nylon and that isn’t meant to last, so while initially it may be cheaper than a well-made leash, you’ll have to replace it at least a few times during the lifespan of your dog. Staying with leashes made with low-quality materials will become expensive in the long-run.
  1. Double-handle - Two handles on a single dog leash comes in handy for a variety of reasons. The first handle is at the end and the second handle is about 1-2 feet away from the clip that attaches to your dog’s harness. Have you ever had to cross the street with your dog? The second handle keeps them closer to you and safer from traffic. Does your dog pull excessively? The second handle makes it easier to train them to not pull and also to keep them under better control. Have you had to keep your dog close for any reason while on a walk? Using the second handle makes this easy to do.

  1. Convenience - Companies continue to develop and test new dog walking leashes, adding features that could prove useful during dog walks. Many leashes come with an extra clip attached making it easy to hang accessories on to such as a poop bag holder. This is perfect so that you NEVER forget your poop bags or be without one if your dog decides to go #2 for a second time on your walk. 

In another example of leash convenience, we at Joyride Harness, released a new leash in 2020 that doubles as a dog safety seat belt. You hook the leash clip to the dog harness, and once you get your dog in the car, you take the seat belt end of the leash and buckle your dog in and vice versa after you reach your destination. 

Have two dogs that you’re walking? There are also leashes available that accommodate walking more than one dog. Joyride Harness’ Double Dawg Leash is one leash that breaks off into two, allowing you to clip both dogs to their respective harnesses.

What you’ve just read is a sampling of blog posts we offer at Joyride Harness. We cover current events, informational posts, interviews, and more! You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog at this section. Feel free to leave a comment with tips you’re looking for!
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