25 Funny Dog Memes That Will Make You LOL

Why spend time scrolling on social media apps, Reddit, and Tumblr for quality dog memes when you can have them curated in one place? Whether you're looking for the good boys or downright doge-tastic memes, these 25 hilarious dog memes will surely do the trick for pup lovers!
No more rambling! Let’s get to the hilarious dog memes.
1. This meme is a work of art! (Source: Unknown)
“A dog in cardboard cutout is the best thing I’ve seen all day.” We agree but there are 24 more memes to get to!
2. A meme to bring you paws. (Source: Unknown)
Out of sight, out of mind, am I right?
3. Planting ideas for soon-to-be dog owners like… (Source: Unknown)
We all find our ways. LOL.
4. Try this one on for size. (Source: Unknown)
This doge-esque fur baby is serving the best looks on the ‘gram.
5. Nailed it! (Source: @clawdias_nail_page)
Wow. Much impressed by this doge meme nail art and it’s been turned into a meme. Such applause.
6. What in the heck did you say? (Source: Unknown)
This wasn’t in the Therapy Dog job description.
7. No bad boys here. Only good boys. (Source: @doggosbeingdoggos)
Dogs only want to be the goodest out there. Thank you, next!
8. A new take on a great song. (Source: @dad_joked)
This dog meme will get a song stuck in your head. We bet!
9. Valor of the doge. (Source: Unknown)
The dogs who sleep through anything are guarding you in their hearts. // Not gonna lie, if there's a video game with a character inspired by this dog, we want to know.
10. Challenge accepted! (Source: Unknown)
Never met a dog who didn’t like chimkin. Dogs are like chicken nugget vacuum cleaners.
11. Is there an undo button? (Source: @dogsofinstagram)
So this is what it means to be a professional napper.
12. Joey voice: “How YOU doin’? (Source: @psychiatricmind)
On a scale of cute fur baby to cute fur baby, how are you doing today?
13. Jeepers! It’s the peepers! (Source: Unknown)
The longer we stared at this, the funnier it got.
14. The dad jokes are strong with this meme. (Source: Unknown)
A roundup within a meme roundup.
15. Dunkin Donuts has another demographic. (Source: Unknown)
Finding the right cone size outside of the vet’s office can be a struggle sometimes.
16. Expectations vs. Reality (Source: Unknown)
Where do we get one of those in our size?
17. Cheese, mate! (Source: Unknown)
The faces in this meme. LOL.
18. Every dog owner feels this meme. Yikes! (Source: Unknown)
We didn’t mean to. We’re so sorry!
19. It’s called fashion! (Source: Unknown)
Look it up, Linda!
20. How about a game of red-light/green-light? (Source: Unknown)
We really are curious about the story behind this meme.
21. Everyone post-pandemic. (Source: Unknown)
Hope the adjustment process goes smoothly! // This shiba inu is adorable!
22. Ground control to Major Good Boy. (Source: Unknown)
A space oddity with paws.
23. You’ve been busted! (Source: Unknown)
We’d be lying if we said it didn’t mean anything!
24. How to Spot Your People 101 (Source: Unknown)
Dog lovers recognize dog lovers.
25. Sorry we wish we could laugh with you but… (Source: Unknown)
This doge meme is so accurate.
What did you think of these funny photos of dogs? Have some favorites you'd like to share with us? If you spot any memes (doge and non-doge) that you think our readers will love, send them our way! If they come from social media, Reddit, Tumblr or 4chan, be sure to link the sources for us so we can properly credit the meme creators in the caption.
This is just a sampling of tips and informational posts we offer at Joyride Harness. You can find more content including tips and tricks and how-tos for caring for your dog on our blog in this section.